Time to get personal
with your customers
Personalisation in digital print
... after all personalisation pays
of customers will pay more for a great experience
Source: Salesforce research, 2018
bought or ordered as a result of receiving mail
Source: IPA touchpoints, 2018
said mail made them feel more valued than email
Source: Royal Mail MarketReach, The Value of Mail in Uncertain Times, Kantar TNS, 2017
Let your data drive
your marketing both online and offline

Including your customers name goes a long way, above all it shows that your business cares about them.

Spending habit
Discounts and offers can change to reflect and reward previous expenditure.

Adapt your product or service selection based on the receivers' gender, ensuring its relevant and of interest.

Previous purchase
Upsell a relevant product that complements a previously bought item or requires a repeat purchase

Tell them about opening times of their local store, upcoming events or a discount to use in store to increase footfall.

Annual Income
Tailor the price range of your products or services to your customers annual income to maximise your conversion rate.